Typography #2

I've told before that im really really into typrography~ I know it's boring and wasting time.haha. but I don't know..Im just into it. So, this is my another typography. Actually,it's not my 2nd,but my 3rd.1st time I did it, I don't know it was called typography.hehe. I thought it was called like text collage.hehe. Well,yah. Im dumb about arts and photoshop. So,here's the final result and yah, I manage to make 2! one for me and the other for my friend.

I think I like the green one. It looks better because the black one is my 1st try.I've used a big font and I don't think it looks good. Then for the 2nd try, I used a smaller font and it came out with a nicer effect. What do you think?

This typography tutorial by Daniels Mekšs

typography+light effects

Happy belated birthday lil bro ^^

Im so into typography a lot lately and my current obsession is lighting effect. I really really want to learn it so badly.So, what I did is I try to google it and YES! I had found a good tutorial on it which really excites me beyond the excited state of an atom xd. A light effects can give a cool and extraordinary magical looks to ur self black and white portrait or other photos.Well, Im quite satisfy with what I did with my typography even though it is just a simple effect but I sure hope I can expand more. The image below shows how the light effects brings uniqueness to ur photo.

Image from: tutorz.com

Typography tutorial by: Tyler Bramer
Light effects tutorial by: Cpotorac

słodkie kociaki

both image by syazzy using iphone 4 with HDR mode

Well, what is HDR?
  • HDR is high dynamic range which is used to create dramatic mode of images.
  • The dynamic range of any image is a range of brightness levels from the darkest darks to the lightest lights—the range of tones than can be represented all at once.
  • It combines multiple photos taken at different exposures to create a single picture that looks more like what your eyeballs are able to detect than a standard digital photograph.
  • For completely automated results, it can easily improve an image about five times out of ten.
References from:

HDR photography with iPhone 4 and iOS 4.1: how good is it?

How to Shoot Better iPhone HDR Photos

info: slodkie kociaki means cute kittens. It's in polish. I just learned it from a friend of mine, Bartek. Dzie Kuje ^^